The Education Standard – all residential staff should:
- Help each child to achieve their education and training targets
- Support each child’s learning and development
- Understand the barriers to learning and how to overcome them
- Understand the importance of education, training and employment
- Promote informal learning
- Maintain regular contact with each child’s education and training provider to maximise the child’s achievement
- Raise any need for further assessment or specialist provision
- Help a child who is excluded from school or non-attending to access education or training provider
- Help each child who is above compulsory school age to participate in further education and training
- Help each child attend education or training in accordance with the expectations in the child’s relevant plans
For further useful information, please click the links below.
Useful Links
School Admissions, Attendance and Transition
Exclusions and Behaviour Concerns
Advice for Keeping Children Safe Online –
CPD Resources for Residential Workers by Anspear
Nottingham City Virtual School is making interactive resources available to support new and experienced residential workers with information and guidance written by experienced colleagues from Virtual Schools across the country.
What will you gain?
› Specific insights and strategies on supporting children in care and those children who were previously in care, in need and on a child protection plan.
› Specialised information on attachment theory, trauma, inclusion and more.
› Digital certificates and badges upon completing courses
Click here to access further information and find out how to get your login details.

Virtual School Training for Residential Workers
The Virtual School offer training and development opportunities for Designated Teachers throughout the year. Please visit our Virtual School Training page for further details, click here to access this page.