Early Years Pupil Premium
What is Early Years Pupil Premium?
Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) is a government grant that Early Years providers can apply for via an Online Portal. It can be used to support children in care who are aged three and four in their establishment. It equates to £310 for 2021/22 academic year and nurseries can apply for it three times per year in the autumn, spring and summer terms.
The Virtual School monitors how the Early Years Pupil Premium is used to support looked after children in Early Years provisions. This is done through PEP meetings and the quality assurance of completed PEP forms.
How to apply for EYPP
The nursery or pre-school setting will ask parents to self-declare that their child meets the eligibility for the Early Years Pupil Premium. It is not compulsory, but it helps the provider if parents or foster carers are willing to provide this information. The provider will need to see supporting evidence of the child’s eligibility.
Early Years Pupil Premium can be claimed by the early education provider, via their local authority’s Online Portal, if a child at their setting is accessing free early education up to 15hrs per week and the child is:
– aged 3 or 4 (but not 4 year-olds in reception class at school)
– living in England
– currently a looked after child of the local authority
Click here to access the online portal.
Examples of how the EYPP can be used
Good examples of how to use EYPP to maximise educational progress can be found in the Early Years Toolkit provided by the Education Endowment Foundation. Please click on the attached link:
Early Years Education Endowment Foundation Early Years Toolkit
The Virtual School have a responsibility for monitoring and ensuring EYPP is being used for the educational benefit of each looked after child. Schools and PVI’s will therefore be required to report on the educational attainment of each looked after child and the intended impact of the funding on the child’s educational outcomes and experience in PEP Meetings. Schools and PVI’s will also be required to report on the impact of any funding received. We will ensure there is a clear and simple way in which schools are to report the impact of the EYPP funding.