I am a child in care
If you would like to find out more about how we support your education, please see the information below.

WHAT is the virtual school?
Nottingham City Virtual School is a service made up of dedicated individuals to support the education of children in care and previously looked-after children. Our mission is to champion your educational needs, helping you to achieve the best possible outcomes.
We work closely with you, your teachers, your social worker and other key people in your life. We all have one common goal: to help you achieve your very best!
We want all students to achieve their potential and for you to be in a position where you are able to gain employment and/or further education following year 11 and post-16 education.
All children in care have an allocated Education Support Officer who will work closely with you, your education setting and the important people around you to allow you to access additional educational support, if you should require it.

who will support me after year 11?
The Virtual School has a Post-16 Education Support Officer who supports you to reach your potential during Post-16 education. The Education Support Officer provides this support in different ways, such as: helping source the most effective provision for Post-16 students and offering educational advice to you and the people who are close to you in school and at home.
Futures can also help young people who are not in education, employment or training. They can help young people choose a career, get qualified or find a job. They work with individuals by providing advice, guidance and practical support that help people achieve their goals. For further details, please click here to go to the Futures for You website.

what is pupil premium plus?
Pupil Premium Plus is funding to help you improve your educational attainment and enhance your learning. It amounts to a possible £2345 available to schools each academic year.
The Virtual School gives this funding to your school or education setting and it is used to fund any support and interventions that are agreed at your Personal Education Plan meeting.
If you would like to find out how your Pupil Premium Plus funding is being used, you can ask your school, social worker or contact your Virtual School Education Support Officer.

who will support me post-19?
The Leaving Care Team will be able to support you following Post-16 education and they can offer further support and advice in terms of further education and help with education funding. Sometimes the Leaving Care Team are able to become involved before you reach 18 – please contact your social worker for more information.

what is the Children In Care Council?
For more information, click on the links below:
What happens at the CiC Council?
Short, fun workshops take place, the themes of which are determined by the annual ‘Have Your Say Survey’ which is completed by CiC Council members. Examples of these themes include: Learning and Earning, Healthy and Creative You, Safe Lives, Positive Neighbourhoods and Smart Cities. The outcomes of the ‘Have Your Say Survey’ are also presented to the Nottingham City Corporate Parenting Board by the CiC Council members.
Everything that the CiC Council does helps to shape and contribute to the improvement of services that children and young people in care receive.
Refreshments are provided throughout the meetings.
When does the CiC Council meet?
The CiC Council takes place on the last Monday of each month. Sessions run from 17:30 – 20:00.
Where does the CiC Council take place?
The CiC Council is usually held at:
Loxley House,
Station Street,
Would you like to become a CiC Council member?
If you are aged between 13-18 years and are interested in joining the CiC Council, please contact Nottingham City Virtual School who will put you in touch with the relevant co-ordinator in the Children and Families Department.
Please note that new starters attend their first session with an adult to ensure they settle in well amongst a group of new faces.
You can download further information below:

VIRTUAL school rewards
The Virtual School recognise the wonderful achievements of Nottingham city children and young people in care by nominating them for termly reward certificates and vouchers.
Nominations for awards are made by Education Support Officers at Nottingham City Virtual School.
Categories for award nominations include:
- Resilience and Perseverance
- Good or Excellent Attendance
- Academic Achievement
- Excellent Attitude Towards Learning
- Improvement in Behaviour for Learning
- Going Above and Beyond
- Significant Achievement
- Participation in Extra-Curricular Activities
Young people will receive their reward vouchers and certificates via post.

Your Independent Reviewing Officer will review your care plan with you and the people working with you.
For more information on the role of your IRO, click on the information booklet below:
Your Independent Reviewing Officer
If you are unhappy with any decisions that have been made regarding your care plan, you can speak to someone you trust, like your advocate. If you are still not happy you can make a complaint by following the link below:

Advocacy for Young People
The Children’s Society Advocacy Service is an independent and confidential service in Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire for children and young people who are looked after and living in lots of different places.
Advocacy for young people is based on the principle that all young people have a right to be involved in the decisions that affect their lives. The distinctive nature of advocacy is that it is led by the views and wishes of young people and always uses a child-centred approach. Advocates act on the permission and instructions of young people even when these are not the advocate’s view of the young person’s best interests.
Click here for more information about this service.
You are NottAlone
If you are struggling, open up and talk to other people in person, on the phone or by text. You deserve help and support and it is out there for you in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.
More details are available on the Nottalone website