PPP for Previously Looked-After Children
The Virtual School Team provide support and advice to education settings and professionals who are working with children who have previously been in care.
Pupil Premium / Pupil Premium Plus
The pupil premium for 2021 to 2022 will include pupils recorded in the October 2021 school census and alternative provision census, who were looked after by an English or Welsh local authority immediately before being adopted, or who left local authority care on a special guardianship order or child arrangements order (previously known as a residence order). These are collectively referred to as post-LAC in these conditions of grant.
For further information, please access the following Gov.UK websites:-
Pupil Premium Plus: Conditions of Grant for schools and academies 2022/23 – GOV.UK
Early Years Pupil Premium
Children between the ages of 3 and 4 may be eligible for the Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP). This is pre-school support for early years providers to improve the education they provide for disadvantaged 3 and 4 year olds (but not 4 year-olds in reception class at school) in England, who are previously looked-after children through an adoption order, a Special Guardianship Order, a Child Arrangements Order, or the child’s parent/carer is in receipt of a qualifying benefit. Early years providers are any organisation that offers education for children aged under 5, including nurseries and childminders.
The funding goes directly to registered early years providers that offer children the free early education entitlement. EYPP amounts to £300 (53p per hour) per child per year where a child attends for the full 570 hours.
To claim the funding the child’s eligibility for EYPP should be declared. The establishment will need to see supporting evidence (e.g. a copy of the SGO), and will complete the application on behalf of the parent/carer.
Further information, including on support in early years, is available in a guide commissioned by the Department for Education for parents and carers on the education of adopted and permanently placed children. It is available at https://www.adoptionuk.org/meeting-the-needs-of-adopted-and-permanently-placed-children.
Schools should apply for Previously Looked After Children Pupil Premium Plus Funding (For 2021-22) by declaring their numbers of previously looked after children in the October 2021 census return
For further information, access the Gov.UK website via the following link:-
Complete The School Census 2020 / 2021
Pupil Premium Plus and Children Adopted from Abroad
At present children who were adopted from care outside of England or Wales are not eligible to attract Pupil Premium Plus. The Department for Education (DfE) are aware of this and have committed to reviewing at the earliest opportunity.
These children are still eligible for the Adoption Support Fund (ASF).