General Info

Head of Virtual School:   Jasmin Howell

Virtual School Telephone:   0115 8764692


Quick Info

Pupil Premium Plus

Click here for more information on Pupil Premium Plus

Support and Guidance

For further information and guidance on the Virtual School service, please click here.

Previously Looked-After Support

Click here to find out how we support previously looked-after children.


To find out more about the training we offer to professionals working with looked-after children, please click here.

Exclusions, Inclusion and SEND

To find out more about SEND and Inclusion, please click here.

To find out more about Behaviour and Exclusions, please click here.

Virtual School Staff

Click here for information on our Virtual School Staff

Post -16 Support

To find out how we support post-16 students in care, please click here.

CPD Resources for Professionals

We are now making interactive resources available to support new and experienced professionals who work to support the education of children in care. Designated Teachers, Carers, Social Workers and Designated Safeguarding Leads can now access a number of resources to help support you in your roles.

What will you gain?
› Specific insights and strategies on supporting children in care and those children who were previously in care, in need and on a child protection plan.

› Specialised information on attachment theory, trauma, inclusion and more.

› Digital certificates and badges upon completing courses

Please visit the Professionals Information area of this website to find out more and get your login details.

Pupil Premium Plus - Summer Term 2024

Schools requiring Pupil Premium Plus funding for Nottingham City looked after children of statutory school age during the Summer Term 2024 should submit funding applications between
15 April – 26 July 2024 via the young person’s ePEP.

Post-16 E-PEP

All Personal Education Plans for Nottingham City Post 16 LAC should now be completed using the online EPEP portal.

Early Years should continue to be completed on paper-based word document forms and submitted via email to:

Recovery Premium Funding for Looked After Children

Recovery Premium Funding continues in the 2023/2024 academic year to help support the education of some disadvantaged groups of children; this includes looked after and previously looked after children in year groups reception to year 11. Schools can apply for up £300 per child for looked-after children.

Virtual School Training for Professionals

The Virtual School have a range of training sessions available for professionals working to promote the education of children in care.





                 18th June 2024 



Nottingham City Virtual School is a statutory service that supports and monitors the education of children in care and previously looked-after children. Our mission is to champion the educational needs of these children, helping them to achieve the best possible outcomes.

The Virtual School provides advice and support to professionals working with Nottingham City children in care and children who reside in the Nottingham local authority area who have previously been looked-after. We work closely with teachers, school governors, social workers, independent reviewing officers (IROs), parents and carers.

The service monitors the educational provision, attendance, progress and attainment for all Nottingham City looked-after children, irrespective of where they are placed. The Virtual School aims to: promote achievement, raise attainment and ensure equality of opportunity to enhance the life chances of all looked-after children. We play a strategic role in ensuring the corporate parenting responsibilities of the local authority are met, with regard to the education of children in care.




A welcome from our virtual school head

Welcome to our website. My name is Jasmin and I am Head of the Nottingham City Virtual School. I lead a team of professionals who work hard to ensure that all children in care and previously looked-after children receive the best possible support educationally and have access to high quality education provision. Our mission is for all children in care to meet their educational potential and to achieve the best possible outcomes.

I hope you find this website useful and informative. Please get in contact if you require any further support and information.

Jasmin Howell

Head of Virtual School


FRIDAY, 24th February 2023


Schools can apply for Pupil Premium Plus via the ePEP from 5th January until 24th February 2023 for all support and interventions taking place in the spring term 2023.   

Get In Touch

Location: The Virtual School, Nottingham City Council, Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham, NG2 3NG

Telephone: 0115 876 4692 / 4694


School Hours: M-F: 9am – 5pm