Further Education
Further Education is usually delivered through a Sixth Form or College. It usually refers to study related to A Levels and Diplomas. There are a wide range of courses, covering almost all areas of interest. If you would like to know more about Further Education please click here.

An Apprenticeship is a paid work placement that provides on the job training, this can include an element of studying. Apprentices must be paid a minimum of £4.15 per hour if they are under the age of 19. 90% of people who complete their apprenticeship stay in employment. For information on how to become an apprentice click here

Traineeships are ideal for young people who want to pursue paid employment or do an apprenticeship but aren’t quite ready yet. They are focused around gaining work experience and skills, similar to apprenticeships. If you would like to find a traineeship please click here.

Futures and Career Advice
Futures offer advice and support to help young people explore their options, find opportunities and prepare for the future. They are able to provide careers advice and help young people get back into education/training or gain employment. To see the Futures for You website please click here.

There is a wide range of support and guidance available to care leavers who are wanting to progress onto Higher Education. It is important that when applying for a University place that care leavers declare they have been in care, this will allow establishments to ensure the correct level of support is provided – such as specific bursaries, 365 day accommodation and access to a range of services and professionals (support packages vary among all Higher Education providers).
Propel is an online tool for care leavers, providing information on the support available at colleges and universities across the UK. The website includes whether 365-day accommodation is available; what bursaries and grants are on offer; the help and support care leavers can expect; and the details of specific contacts to get in touch with at each institution. For more information please click here
Become, the charity that runs Propel, also provides the Care Advice Line for care leavers who have questions about higher education and what they are entitled to. The Care Advice Line are also able to provide support on numerous other areas such as Health & Wellbeing, housing issues, money concerns, your rights in care and leaving care.